I planted my lavender bush about 14 years ago, and apart from cutting and drying some of the flowers occasionally have generally left it to its own devices since then. It’s grown rather scraggly and wild, but each summer I get a profusion of heavenly scented lavender flowers.
I’ve made the odd lavender bag for putting in drawers, I’ve made pot pourri for air freshening in the bathroom, but generally I’ve ended up with bunches of dried lavender hanging around the porch for a year shedding until the next season comes around.
I went back to my herb books this year, and read up on various cosmetic uses for Lavender.
According to John & Rosemary Hemphill’s What Herb is That?:
“Lavender water seems always to have been available. It is antiseptic for the skin, refreshing, and is especially recommended for oily complexion and pimples. Fresh or dried lavender flowers or leaves tied in a muslin bag and infused in hot bath water give the skin an all-over fragrance.”
But the book didn’t give instructions on how to turn lavender flowers into toilet water. Google found me this recipe. The blog its from appears somewhat neglected, so I have copied and pasted the contents here in case they disappear from the original:
Sustainable Lifestyle Toolbox: Make Your Own Lavender Toilet WaterClipped from: http://sustainablehowto.blogspot.co.nz/2008/03/make-your-own-lavender-toilet-water.html |
Make Your Own Lavender Toilet Water

Lavender toilet water has a multitude of uses in the home. It is easy to make your own and save a little money at the same time.
- 1.5 cups lavender flowers
- 700ml (24 fl oz) boiling water
- 2 tablespoons gin or vodka
Items needed
- Kettle or saucepan for boiling water
- Large ceramic bowl
- Refrigerator
- Sieve or colander for straining
- Sterilised, clean glass bottle
- Pour the boiling water over the lavender flowers in a large ceramic bowl. Set aside for 24 hours at room temperature. This will permit the fragrance to infuse through the water.
- Place the infusing mixture into the refrigerator to continue infusing for another 2 days.
- Remove after 2 days. Strain the water through a sieve to remove the lavender flowers.
- Add the alcohol and mix through.
- Pour into a glass bottle and add an airtight lid. Homemade toilet water should be kept in the refrigerator.
I have made one batch so far using freshly cut flowers, and have another steeping in the fridge.
I’m planning to carry a small bottle of lavender water in my bag to freshen up during the day, and also as an ingredient for a few homemade cosmetic experiments in the near future.